Crescent Beach

Friday, April 21, 2006

*Part Two*

Angie Zanders: I’m actually 22 and a girl. But I know exactly what you’re talking about.

YourLocalPip: But all this girl has in her head is partying and that type of music. Partying and music are a way that two people can start a conversation, speak of things, and have a good time. But since both our interests are different, we Repel each other.

Angie Zanders: Repel is such a strong word. It’s like Anti-Magnetic.

YourLocalPip: I mean its definition to the fullest.

Angie Zanders: Don’t listen to what I think because it may not be the best route for you- but nevertheless I think there is something that obviously brings you two together- yet at the moment that characteristic of your relationship is being quirked by something that you two do not have in common- you can try hard to work it out or you can take some time apart- that second choice is tough, man, and if you choose it try your best to end it on good terms- it’s not something easy to accomplish, but if you do…no worries…Physically, Mentally or Spiritually.

YourLocalPip: I’ve been pondering about breaking up all week now and I’m leaning towards it. But the thing about her and I is that if we break up we’re definitely going to get back together. It’s just I keep thinking that maybe it’s the Bullshit that I think. Maybe what’s bothering me isn’t something that should be bothering me.

Angie Zanders: And what happens between break-ups? Do you paste her picture on an office chair and beat the crap out of it?

YourLocalPip: Ha! No…I Blame myself. No…what really happens between break-ups is that we talk about trying to change to make each other happy.

Angie Zanders: Do you change?

YourLocalPip: Yes. In ways- not as much as I should but I still do. I’m not asking her to change her taste in music. I just feel she should open herself to other types of music. There’s a lot more out there than Tirin Tin Tin. I want her to identify more with bands. With who they are and what they represent.

Angie Zanders: You know what I think? I don’t think you’re crazy anymore. No. I think you’re fucking Insane! And no matter what you say about it, you’re eventually going to have to find a way to deal with it yourself.

YourLocalPip: No, I agree with you completely. But I believe if you were in my position it would be the same. And that’s where I keep coming across a wall.

Angie Zanders: I have no idea how it would be to be in your position, so, maybe it will be the same. Coming Across a Wall… that song's by Celestial Symphony right?

YourLocalPip: Yea, so is Tiptoe on the Edge. You see? She’d have no idea what we’re talking about right now. I think to myself…should I just forget about it?...and not care what she listens to…

Angie Zanders: Here’s what to do Local…You are going to spend five minutes every day…either after you wake up or before you go to sleep…you are going to Sit Down cross legged and you are going to breathe…then…slowly become aware of your breathing…if another thought comes to mind realize that you are thinking it and switch your attention back to your breath…slowly and naturally…don’t inhale hard…let it come and let it go…follow it wherever it goes…but never lose your awareness of it…it’s complicated at first…even harder to try and explain…but if you do it you will find out for yourself what it’s all about…it’ll be like your thing…

YourLocalPip: Will that really help me out with putting an end to the Bullshit?...with reaching the rock climbing void?

Angie Zanders: Of course it will. You won’t be able to rock climb if you don’t know how to breathe. You won’t be able to do much of anything for that matter.

YourLocalPip: You know…I’m going to do that…Honestly…it’s only five minutes…and I really…really appreciate you talking to me about this…very therapeutic…especially since I get honest, not cushioned feedback…

Angie Zanders: Just promise me that you won’t preoccupy yourself with your girl troubles when we go rock climbing this summer.

YourLocalPip: I know. I won’t. One more thing…

Angie Zanders: You’re gay?

YourLocalPip: Laughing My Ass Of. In all Three ways.

Angie Zanders: It’s about goddamn time.

YourLocalPip: Do you think it’s ridiculous that things like this bother me? What truly bothers me is her attractiveness to that ghetto type of music. Like she likes ghetto things, chains, spinner chains, terrible tast in cars, she likes all those gangster cars, and I guess it intimidates me.

Angie Zanders: No I don’t think it’s ridiculous that all those things bother you. Considering of course the fact that you’re a Lunatic. Either way I’m going to go rock climbing right now. Talk to you later.

YourLocalPip: Aight. Happy Holidays.

It turns out that Angie Zanders never returned from her Holiday vacation in a tree forest near the edge of Mt Rancor. Nope. She didn't return at all. An alternative fate awaited our free-spirited rock-climbing health-care professional. An alternative fate which involved surfing through lava tubes, fixing the princess' hair with a fire lotus and eventually becomming the first true local of Crescent Beach.

YourLocalPip did eventually run into Angie Zanders one summer day. They even did a little rock climbing together, breathing and all. And, when YourLocalPip finally reached his long sought state of Nothingness he came to terms with the fact that his girlfriend liked Tirin Tin Tin. And he wasn't gonna let it bother him anymore.

As for the author of this silly mini tale, He was last seen chasing his shadow through trails of daisys and sage. When asked what he was going to write about next the author replied: "Oh, nothing really. I'm just going to concentrate on my studies now. Because you need to learn how to learn before you can learn how to learn."


Blogger GirlFromSantiago said...

I needed a friend like Angie Zanders before I convinced myself I was crazy... I mean, insane... I mean, a lunatic.

10:09 AM  

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